Tuesday 12 November 2013

I will always remember Baxter, he was half golden lab and half retriever and a great pet. He was an awesome watchdog and always let us know when someone was arriving at our property. Sometimes it was just one of us coming home but he would still bark. We used to have lots of fun playing with him with balloons. We would blow them up for him and he would try to pop them. He was really, really happy when he popped them and would jump up on us. Baxter got run over by a truck outside our gate and we were all crying and very sad and will always remember him.

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Monday 4 November 2013

Harry potter

When Harry potter went for a ride into space in a rocket ship, he was so exited! It was so amazing when he was allowed to use the controls but he pulled the wrong lever he was ejected right out of the rocket at a very strong speed! His trip down to earth was very fast and his landing quite eventful because he landed bottom-first on an old lady's glasshouse with just his legs sticking out. He lost his breath and was stunned by the fall and was a sad,sad Harry potter for a few days.

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